+ Africa

A specialised pratice to support businesses on the African continent

The African continent has witnessed sustained economic growth in recent years.

Companies that wish to enter the African markets must be supported by experts who are familiar with the applicable legal tools, who have a solid and established local network and, above all, who have experience dealing with African institutional and economic realities.

+ AFRICA supports clients in their investments, projects and activities on the African continent, mainly in the seventeen member countries of the Organisation for the Harmonisation of Business Law in Africa (OHADA), namely Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Comoros, Congo, the Ivory Coast, Gabon, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Equatorial Guinea, Mali, Niger, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Senegal, Chad and Togo. + AFRICA also assists African companies that wish to establish themselves in Belgium or elsewhere in Europe.

The lawyers of + AFRICA are specialists in business law in the OHADA countries and are familiar with the cultural, political and legal landscape in these countries.

Thanks to a network of trusted local partners (lawyers, diplomats, lobbyists, notaries, accountants, etc.) developed in particular by the non-profit ABLE (Africa Business & Legal Expertise Network), of which Arnaud Houet is a founder, + AFRICA offers tailor-made services and optimal legal solutions in accordance with OHADA law and national rules (including in the areas of civil procedure, real estate, civil, criminal, mining, forestry and administrative law) and provides effective representation of clients before the courts, local administrations and African institutions such as the CCJA or OAPI.

Selected recent work

  • Legal audit, due diligence, legal training and reorganisation of legal procedures for several public institutions in the Democratic Republic of Congo and companies in Africa.
  • Provision of advice to a mining company in connection with a major asset disposal.
  • Assistance setting up subsidiaries or branches to foreign companies active in particular in the areas of new technologies and agro-business.
  • Defence of various companies before the national courts and arbitral tribunals (ICC, CCJA).
  • Assistance to a Belgian group with the liquidation of a Congolese subsidiary in financial difficulty.
  • Assistance to Belgian owners with the securing of movable and immovable assets in the Democratic Republic of Congo.